Internal Qigong
Internal Qigong Class Description
Instructor: Qigong Master Bill Buckley
This class focuses on bringing people in contact with their energy. The class is meditation-based, using led meditations to expose participants to a variety of energetic techniques including:
- Small Circulation/Microcosmic Orbit
- Embryonic Breathing
- Grand Circulation techniques
- Organ Cleansing
- Emotional Balancing
- Meridian Flushing
The techniques explored in this class come from two reknowned Qigong Masters: Master Yang, Jwing-Ming’s, YMAA Qigong canon and Master Mantak Chia’s Universal Healing Tao canon.
Because this class is meditation-based, experience with meditation is important. It is expected that the participants will be able to settle their minds, body and breath efficiently, since the techniques taught rely on a participant’s focused or Yi mind to execute.
Each class includes discussion before and after each meditative session. Discussions often include Daoist ideas including chapters from the Dao De Jing or Chang Zhu’s Inner chapters. These discussions are used to provide perspective to a meditative session.
Foundational skills taught in the class include:
- Body, breath, mind, qi shen
- Perineal manipulation
- Engaging the Yi (Wisdom) mind
- Tongue positioning
- Connecting to energetic pathways and channels
- Releasing excess energy from the body
- Cultivating energy in the Lower Dantian
- Breathwork including
o Balanced breathing
o Normal abdominal breathing
o Reverse abdominal breathing
o Lengthening the breath
o Using the breath to energize or relax the body
o Holding the breath
- It is important that participant be able to settle and focus their mind. This class is not recommended for people new to meditation. Having a regular meditation practice is advised.
- As with any new practice, if you are experiencing either mental or physical health issues, you should speak to your doctor/doctors before engaging in this practice.
- The techniques developed in this class can significantly energize the body. If your body is not used to high energy levels, they can make you uncomfortable in a number of ways, ranging from a buzzing sensation to accelerated heart rates to light headedness to nausea. It is important that the participant be sensitive to these effects and be willing to stop their practice and settle themselves if they are uncomfortable.
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